Games: Retro

Crash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot 2
Crash Bandicoot 3
Crash CTR
Crash Bash
Nightmare Creatures
Nightmare Creatures 2
Abe's Exoddus
Abe's Oddysee
Medievil 2
Jade Cocoon
Dino Crises
Resident Evil 2
Digimon World 2003
Digimon World 2
Wrath Unleashed
Crash Tag Team Racing & Twinsanity & Nitrokart
Yu-Gi-Oh - The Duealists of the Roses
Mortal Kombat - Deadly Alliance
Mortal Kombat - Shaolin Monks
Digimon World 4
Jade Cocoon 2

Mario Party
Pokémon Colosseum

GameBoy (Color)
Tiny Toon
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 2
Kirby 2
Kirby's Dream Island
Super Mario Land
Pokémon Gelb
Pokémon Rot
Pokémon Blau
Pokémon Gold
Pokémon Silber
Pokémon Kristall
GameBoy Advance
Pokémon Rubin
Pokémon Saphir
Pokémon Emerald (2x)
Pokémon Blattgrün
Pokémon Feuerrot (2x)

Pokémon Alpha Saphir
Pokémon Omega Rubin
Pokémon X
Pokémon Y
Pokémon Sonne
Pokémon Mond
Pokémon Heartgold
Pokémon Soulsilver
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Blau
Pokémon Mytsery Dungeon Gates to Infinity
Pokémon Perl
Pokémon Diamant
Pokémon Platin
Pokémon Weiss
Pokémon Schwarz
Yoshis New Island
Mutant Insects
Monster Hunter
Die Siedler
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